
* The 100 Carry Project

"Carrying - what does it mean?" Armen Moradians asks himself. "It means to take somebody’s weight and there are two parts of it. There is the person who surrenders their weight and there is the person who agrees to take on the weight." He explains, "So there’s responsibility. There is a relationship, and it’s sacred because you have trust. You have surrender. You have strength. You have submission." All these elements, he says, create a powerful study of human connection.

Here, Armen carries Nan Cumming a.k.a. Carry #9. Nan learned about The 100 Carry Project through, Open HeART Space, a movement group Armen teaches classes at. After reading the website, Nan says she decided, "Since I’m sort of short and small I thought, well, I’d probably be easier to carry than some, so I will offer myself up. I was just intrigued. I didn’t know Armen. I didn’t know anything about it, but I was just intrigued. I’m not an artist myself, but I’m always interested in other people’s creativity, and I wanted to learn what possessed him to do this, and if I can help, I’m always happy to."

The two only spoke briefly about a month or so prior to the carry, and on the morning of the journey Nan says, "I’m more intrigued. I like the idea of him hoping to learn something over a period of time and trying to put it together. I’m very curious to see what he will put together at the end of the whole project."

For more images from this project, please click here.
Multimedia movie coming soon.

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