
* Borealis Bakery + Bistro: Featured Artist Photography Showing

I'm excited to announce my first mainland Portland show.  I am the featured artist at Borealis Bakery + Bistro starting today, December 12, 2014.  The show is hung and, for the next couple months or so, photos will rotate and be replaced with varying work as they sell, so hopefully there will be a constant stream of different imagery each time you walk in to grab your tasty breakfast or lunch! 

Hopefully these are semi-affordable pieces of art for folks, maybe good holiday gifts or a future birthday gift to stock up on.  There will be an opening reception held at Borealis (182 Ocean Avenue, Portland, Maine), but the date/time is TBD -- awaiting confirmation from Borealis, but hoping for this Thursday 12/18.  I'll let you know as soon as I hear!

Framed photos are $25 - $100.

Matted photos are $10 - $40.

Notepads + Notecards w/ envelopes are $15 - $25

Canvases are $175 each or Buy TWO, get ONE FREE.  Limited quantity.

 Hope to see you there!  Thanks for checking out my work!  Here are a few images you might see....