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October 28, 2007 - At Cambridge’s Lizard Lounge on Sunday, sound mixer Stewart Adam of Plymouth prepares his equipment for the next scene shoot of the independent film collaboration, “12”, that includes twelve ten-minute shorts directed by Boston-area filmmakers. Adam almost pursued working for the BBC in England when he was younger and writes in an email, “I thought about it when I first started. I think I was young and insecure about moving to another country. Now I am middle age and pretty secure in my ways. The BBC has always been on the cutting edge of technology. It would have been nice to spend some time in another country.” A sound mixer for 29 years, Adam started his career in the music industry and has worked with numerous artists for almost three decades, including B.B. King, Hank Jones Trio, and Aerosmith, but became interested in the film industry in 1980, getting his start with Fedco Audio. Adam is founder of Creative Audio Works based in Plymouth, which specializes in the restoration and archive of audio material. Photograph © 2007 Whitney J. Fox.

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October 28, 2007 - At Cambridge’s Lizard Lounge on Sunday, sound mixer Stewart Adam of Plymouth prepares his equipment for the next scene shoot of the independent film collaboration, “12”, that includes twelve ten-minute shorts directed by Boston-area filmmakers. Of working in the film industry he says, “At times there is a bit of a rush, like when the sun is going down and you only have a very short time to get the shot. A lot of times you only get 1 or 2 take’s and you have to get it right each time.” He points out, “In film sound you don’t get the privilege of doing it many times over.” A sound mixer for 29 years, Adam started his career in the music industry and has worked with numerous artists for almost three decades, including B.B. King, Hank Jones Trio, and Aerosmith, but became interested in the film industry in 1980, getting his start with Fedco Audio. Adam is founder of Creative Audio Works based in Plymouth, which specializes in the restoration and archive of audio material. Photograph © 2007 Whitney J. Fox.

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October 28, 2007 - At Cambridge’s Lizard Lounge on Sunday, sound mixer Stewart Adam of Plymouth breaks between a scene shoot of the independent film collaboration, “12”, that includes twelve ten-minute shorts directed by Boston-area filmmakers. Adam is amidst building his own sound studio. “I have been acquiring equipment for the past year or two. I have about half of what I need, and you always need more because the technology changes all the time. The biggest single expense is construction, air conditioning and electricity. Hopefully by the end of 2008 I should start working on it, maybe sooner. I want to have a studio so I can diversify and get more into post production mixing, audio restoration and do more music mixing.” A sound mixer for 29 years, Adam started his career in the music industry and has worked with numerous artists for almost three decades, including B.B. King, Hank Jones Trio, and Aerosmith, but became interested in the film industry in 1980, getting his start with Fedco Audio. Adam is founder of Creative Audio Works based in Plymouth, which specializes in the restoration and archive of audio material. Photograph © 2007 Whitney J. Fox.

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October 28, 2007 - At Cambridge’s Lizard Lounge on Sunday, sound mixer Stewart Adam of Plymouth prepares his equipment for the next scene shoot of the independent film collaboration, “12”, that includes twelve ten-minute shorts directed by Boston-area filmmakers. Of working in the film industry he says, “At times there is a bit of a rush, like when the sun is going down and you only have a very short time to get the shot. A lot of times you only get 1 or 2 take’s and you have to get it right each time.” He points out, “In film sound you don’t get the privilege of doing it many times over.” A sound mixer for 29 years, Adam started his career in the music industry and has worked with numerous artists for almost three decades, including B.B. King, Hank Jones Trio, and Aerosmith, but became interested in the film industry in 1980, getting his start with Fedco Audio. Adam is founder of Creative Audio Works based in Plymouth, which specializes in the restoration and archive of audio material. Photograph © 2007 Whitney J. Fox.

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